Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Day 1: Good bye, couch potato!

I know, I know.
Day 1, right?
How typical of us to get amped up and motivated after the FIRST work out of the summer. Whatever.
I'm taking this seriously. (How many times have we heard that one before?)
I'm skeptical too. But I'm my worst and only enemy.
And since I'm not going to count the first and only time I worked out at the gym since I've been home this summer,
TODAY marks day 1 of getting fit.
I'm not striving for that perfect line down the middle of my stomach,
or those perfectly shaven calf muscles
(although NEITHER of the two would hurt)
But I just want to FEEL better.
I hate that when I'm running, I feel like I am about 73023 pounds. No exaggeration.
And after being told today that I look like I've gained weight (only not in so many nice words....)
I have the most motivation right now. And so right now, I will begin!
And I am scrounging for some hope in that writing my progress, I will feel even more motivated.
And progress can only work if you can see that you're moving forward. And how can you do that if you have nothing to compare your days work to?
So here I go.'s one more thing you're good for.

So today. I left my house at around 6:30pm, and thank goodness my house is located right next to the escarpment cliff that overlooks all of the city!!! Although Hamilton is no breath-taking location....
I walked from my end all the way to the end of the path (Wentworth) and did those damn, intimidating-looking stairs!!! There's the first set that leads to a jollycut to get upto the mountain, and then the second set of stairs which leads all the way to lower part of Hamilton.
I wasn't feeling THAT ambitious, so I only did the first set of stairs. TWICE! Oh yeah!
I defenitley felt my heart pumping and working it's little butt off! But that's a good sign right? RIGHT!
After I reached the top, and sweat poured all over me (so attractive, right.....) I stretched my little limbs right out and proceeded to walk back to my starting point. Adding in a little sprint near the end.
Mind you, my legs felt the MOST wobbly and jello-like and hard to control while WALKING...let alone running. And I suddenly became aware of what that might look like to passer-byers. So I stopped.
And here I am, at home, one hour later.

Tomorrow, I will do the same thing (hopefully) just to get used to this whole....activity/moving/anything-but-the-couch thing. So no crazy stunts to expect soon.

AND I'm also trying to keep away from buying food outside unless emergency and unless something healthy like a leaf off of a tree.....or subway.
The only set backs from today would be that glass of chocolate milk at supper, and that cheese in my sandwich at lunch.
And pistachios all throughout.....
but that's the GOOD kind of fat.

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